Thursday, May 21, 2009

Negative Effects of Technology on the Future

Ever think about that?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Technology of the Future

Will this help or hurt us?
Really analyze the pros and cons of this future technology.
Watch and enjoy.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Technological Nation

Although the United States isn't the top nation for their technological advances, it is one of them. From the minute people walk out their doors, they are engulfed in a sea of technology. The morning joggers with their cell phones attatched to their hips, the afternoon Starbucks-sitters tapping away their fingertips on the newest Macbook, the evening rushers stuck in traffic reading their e-mail via PDA, these all contribute to the mass of consuming the newest and top caliber products.
I've been doing a GLIDES project (completely web-based) and the topic is 'Role of Technology'. I've been doing research on how the consuming and marketing of technology has evolved throughout the decades and it's startled me to see how much has been outdated and how much has been incorporated into everyday life. What once weighed 20-25 lbs and sat on the living room table is now handheld and portable. Cell phones, radios, television, and e-mail have all become needs, or moreso to most people.
Can you go a day without your cell phone? Can you laptop go 24 hours without being turned on? Does your TV take up the entire living room? Can you hear the latest gossip straight from your iPod headphones via satelite radio?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

At The Altar...

Is it just me or has the world become obsessed with gay marriage? I mean, every newspaper or magazine has the newest dirt on whether it should be legal or not.. Which states have and which states are sticking to their morals.
I'm going to be straighforward here. I've never truly thought that someone could b born homosexual. I just can't bring myself to believe that is at all true and although I don't believe it, doesn't mean I can't be tolerant and accepting of people of that nature. But, given my mindset on the fact that people choose the sex they want to be with, makes me wonder if most of them feel guilty or somewhat upset with themselves on the way they've chosen.
Gay Marraige isn't something I like to address or even communicate about, I just think it's interesting how much the world has become revolved around it.
Here are a few links to some articles I found interesting:

