Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Emotional Reactivity and Cognition

There has been a neverending debate on whether or not we feel and label an emotion before or after we actually experience it. There are three theories that are based on emotion: The James-Lange Theory, The Cannon-Bard Theory, and the Two-factor Theory.
The James Lange Theory states that we first experience the external or internal arousal that accompanies emotion. And then the emotion and our ability to label it comes next. The Cannon-bard Theory states that the emotion is first and then our experience of it. Schacter's Two-Factor Theory states that we experience both the cognitive emotion and the physiological arousal simultaneously.
I honestly think that we experience them at the same time. Because what if our heart does pound? Our heart pounding could signal fear, love, surprise, anger, or rage and many more emotions. So how does our brain know exactly what emotion it is if we dont label it at the same time?
I think emotion is just as much physiological as it is psychological.

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