Thursday, February 26, 2009

Topic of Discussion in Psych- Do Women Ultimately Need Men?

Recently, my psychology class had a discussion.... Or argument, depending on whom you speak to.... About whether women really needed men in their lives, to survive, provide, or basically fill every void they have. It's actually quite the discussion, because many men are very confident that there will never be a day that women don't need men (as their essential provider that is). I thought this was interesting because I have no problem being an independent woman but I do like having a guy around (friends or more).
I think the question could also be reversed; When will there ever be a time Men don't need Women? ha. It's quite the silly controversy, but all in all I decided to let the world know what types of discussions take place in Psychology class among young... adults. I found a website with many opinions on the issue as well. Check it out. You may just change your mind, or you may come out rooted even deeper in your opinion. :-)

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