Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Divorce-The Inevitable Last Straw for a Struggling Family

When it comes to the issue of divorce, I can relate to an extent because I too come from a split home. My parents divorced when I was 8 years old. And I do not remember a lot of what happened, and am somewhat thankful for it... because I wasnt burdened with the decision as to which parent I respected more in the end. My childhood is a blur. And as I see many and many parents becoming weak and the relationships that were once so intimate and pure, have become enthralling arguments over money or decisions in the home. I was looking up the statistics on Divorce and found a cool site that I thought would be interesting to get feedback on.
So I will post the link and would like to see some comments... Surprising? Outrageous? Can you relate? Comments as such....

1 comment:

  1. I have divorced parents too, but luckily my mom remarried and are currently very happy together, AND i still keep contact with my biological father. The divorce happened when I was very little, like around 2 years old, so I don't really remember it. I'm just happy that each of my biological parents have found love again and that there are no major issues between them that would negatively affect me in any way. I think in my case, divorce may have been a good thing.
