Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SATs- Story of My Life

As I am becoming an independent student working towards my goal of graduating and then beginning the path of my life into the world, I begin to see how incredibley sophisticated and complicated that path can be. As a junior in high school, the path begins as this bumpy, gravelly dirt road stuck in the middle of nowhere with obstacles the size of giants. I've begun this path with an optimistic mind and a concrete heart because it can get out of control and lead you to places you don't belong.
As I've started to trudge along this gravel street I begin to see (and experience) what we'd call 'life'. I'm drowning in the river of homework as I cross the fields of studying for tests and quizzes. There's the valley of paperwork concerning graduation requirements and deadlines for service hours. And as I get closer and closer to the mountains of SATs I find myself climbing just to stay ahead and right when I think I've got it right I'm falling to a grusome death of academic scholar.
I mean, I've only spent my entire 11th grade year sweating bullets and dragging my feet to stay in the game only to crumble with fear when I reach Mountain SAT.
But today isn't the day for defeat and the day that does exist will be the day the SAT drowns in my tears of success.


  1. I understand that it all can get stressful, but you just need to take it one day at a time. You can kick the SAT in the butt! I have faith!

  2. I have taken both the SAT and ACT, and I have to say I was extremely disappointed with the ACT. I expected it to be easier then the SAT as everyone seemed to say it was and I found it the exact opposite and now realize that I must work hard for my SAT because that is my stronger assessment test.
