Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Application Alley

So, one of my worst fears since 9th grade has been actualy applying to college. I mean, I've grown up listening to stories of these wonderful processes in which one applies to the college of their dreams and has the perfect resume' and gets in. I've wanted to live that dream ever since entering high school and now I'm there. I'm in Application Alley, I'm not too far between, as I'm waiting for my perfect SAT score to fall down SAT Mountain first, but still.. I'm there.
As my classmates and I take our SATs, turn in our service hours, prepare for graduation we have the dreadful task of applying to the college or university of our dreams and then waiting that forever-filled gap before we've been accepted or horribly; denied. Now, I've thought of many colleges or universities that I want to attend and plan on applying to all of them, but it's a huge fear of mine to be denied the one I really want.
I will embark on this application journey with confidence as I have all my other tasks, but it still doesn't take away the fear and worry I have as an effect of thinking about college. This is my future. The future never works out as we plan it to. It sort of just happens. I hope my future 'just happens' at the university of my dreams. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was as hopeful as you. I am terrible at rejection and curious to see my reaction to the very small envelope in the mail. I may be being a bit pessimistic, but I figure if I have no hope at all then I can’t be disappointed. I mean what if I am pleasantly surprise to get accepted at a school I have been hoping to get into for the past 4 years. That reaction will be a million times more entertaining then someone with an optimistic attitude that ends up getting in. There will be a pat on the back for Mr. optimistic but for me (Ms. pessimistic) there will be streamers, balloons, and hopefully a cake! Everyone likes to be proved smarter then their assumptions.
